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Author: hello@weddinginvaldichiana.com

It’s the details that (really) make a difference to a wedding

“It’s always the details that make the difference”, and this is not just a saying, but the plain truth, especially when it comes to organising a wedding.

Organising a dream wedding necessarily requires a team of professionals who are able to support the couple in every choice and fulfill their every request, so that the wedding day will be exactly like the bride and groom have always dreamed of!

Wedding in Valdichiana’s customised packages include complete or partial proposals for the organisation, of your super event in Tuscany.
Our 20 years’ experience in the hospitality and tourism sector will be a guarantee for you and your guests!

The steps to follow to plan the big day impeccably, leaving nothing to chance

  • Once the location has been chosen, it is important to focus your attention on the colours, theme and style you want to use for the entire ceremony, starting from the invitations, to the dresses, all the way to the event set-up, since, if chosen carefully and meticulously, they will provide added value to the selected location and the entire event.
  • Then we move on to the accessories: in a wedding with a capital M, the latter are not mere decorative objects or details, but are a fundamental part of the reception and ceremony, and, precisely for this reason, they must be chosen in line with the style of the bride and groom and the location, so as to make the entire setting pleasant and elegant. By ‘accessories’ we refer to the study and selection of all the furniture, to the mise en place (i.e. the complete table setting), to the gifts for the guests and, finally, to the lighting set-up.

In the case of a wedding in Valdichiana, it is advisable to opt for simple but refined colours and accessories, in rustic-chic style!
Everything must appear harmonious and faithful to the context in which the big day will take place, namely the natural wonders of Tuscany.

Discover the emotion of organising your wedding in an earthly paradise, together with those who live it every day: hello@weddinginvaldichiana.com.

Choosing a wedding theme

A way to make your special day more original

Organising the most important event of your life as a couple will certainly give you unique and unforgettable emotions, but it could also be a source of stress.
In order to live every moment of this preparation with serenity, we at Wedding in Valdichiana offer our creativity and professionalism, assisting you step by step in every stylistic choice and supporting you in every moment of planning the event, to ensure that the big day is all about happiness, sharing and lots of joy.

Today we are going to talk to you about a way to make your wedding as original as possible, namely to choose a theme to act as a common thread, so that the whole setting is harmonious and coherent.

Each married couple has their own identity, own style, own story to tell, and choosing a theme that is faithful to all of this serves to make every moment more memorable and shareable with your guests. Not only this, but It also makes organisation simpler and more straightforward.

If a theme is chosen for the wedding, it must be reflected in every point and detail of the organisation: from the invitations, to the location, to the bride and groom’s and bridesmaids’ dresses, to the choice of flowers and decorations

Some advice to select the theme

In the event that you like the idea of choosing a theme for your wedding, but still do not know which one is the most suitable for you, we are here to offer you our help, anticipating below some steps to start from, so that a precise identification with a style, an object, a passion emerges:

  • One or more colours
  • A historical era (also referring to a clothing style of that time)
  • A place of the heart
  • A shared passion (travel, music, food, art, a sport, etc.) and for the more extravagant even a film or TV series

All this information is valuable and contains the answer to your question! What are you waiting for? Get yourself a pen and paper and start answering these simple questions…
Then, if you want, you can move on to find a series of images representative of your tastes, which you will need to get an overview of the design and scenography of your wedding.

To share your ideas, send us an email at: hello@weddinginvaldichiana.com

Why get married in Tuscany in the summer

Here’s why Tuscany is the perfect destination to get married in the summertime

The first thing to decide for a couple wishing to get married is the period in which to do it, as well as the season they prefer. In the case of a wedding in Tuscany, every season is perfect for doing it, because Tuscany is considered an ‘always green’ region, that is splendid throughout the year, but given the imminent arrival of the summer season, we at Wedding in Valdichiana want to provide you with a series of reasons why getting married in Tuscany in the summer is a really good idea!

Here are some of them:

  • THE CLIMATE: the summer climate in Tuscany is perfect for weddings and outdoor celebrations, especially those in the afternoon, as the weather is always clear, the temperature is never too sultry and the arrival of sunset is accompanied by a pleasant breeze, as well as being a moment of pure magic
  • THE LONGEST DAYS: in summer, the days get longer which is a real added value for those who want to organise a wedding during this time of year, because with sunset and darkness arriving later than usual, the bride and groom will be able to fully enjoy every moment of their most beautiful day…because, you know, no one would ever want their wedding day to end
  • THE PHOTOS: Tuscany has always been considered one of the most beautiful locations in the world, especially in summer! Photographers from all over the planet often choose this area to carry out photo shoots and video recordings of their projects, whether fashion, art, design or weddings! Natural light, intense colours and authentic marvels will be the perfect set for your dream wedding photos!
  • COLOURS: in summer, Tuscany, and especially the Valdichiana, become palettes of breathtaking colours, envied by painters the world over: the deep green of the wheat fields, the bright red of the poppies, the soft blue of the sky and the bright yellow of the sunflowers…is there a better location and time of year to organise your wedding day?
  • ROMANTICISM: summer evenings in the Valdichiana represent the height of romanticism, because they are characterised by sparkling stars and moonlight, optimal temperatures, intoxicating perfumes and relaxing sounds such as the singing of cicadas

Have we convinced you? If the answer is YES, contact us to request an initial quote: hello@weddinginvaldichiana.com

Photo credits – Dario Pichini Studio

3D Locations: choose the ideal place for your wedding from the exclusive virtual locations of Wedding in Valdichiana.

Evaluating and selecting in advance and comfortably from home, the location in which to realise your dream of love, has become possible!
Find out how by reading our article.

When a couple decides to get married, they feel an indescribable emotion, an emotion they will feel throughout the wedding preparations, from the first moment to the last.
Usually, one of the first choices a married couple has to make is the location, the starting
point for any self-respecting organisation list.

The choice of the perfect location for the most beautiful “YES” in life is a fundamental element, as mentioned above, if not the most important one.
For this reason, at Wedding in Valdichiana, we offer all our skills and knowledge of the area to meet the needs of all our clients, whether they are dreaming of an intimate and private ceremony or want a big party.

Getting married in Valdichiana

Choosing the Valdichiana as the location for your event means choosing a concentration of “beauty”, with the certainty of a great final result. An authentic area where you can find happiness in the various moments of the most beautiful day: the celebration, the reception, but also the many experiences to be had as a couple and with guests, before, during and after the celebrations.

For the past 20 years, our collaboration with local administrations and accommodation facilities, including lesser-known ones, which offer a quality welcome, has enabled us to offer both public and private locations that are among the most exclusive and original in this area.

However, given the complexity of the event and in order to avoid this wonderful adventure turning into an odyssey, we advise you first of all to imagine the location that suits you and its set-up, so that the result can be as close as possible to your tastes and style.

For example, do you dream of saying “YES” inside a mysterious and magical medieval fortress or on the shores of a natural lake? In the council chamber of a town hall or in a relaxing and exclusive spa? On the soft grass of a park or on a breathtaking terrace?

We know! It’s really hard to imagine every single proposal and then choose the most suitable one, especially for those who don’t know the Valdichiana Senese area at all.
That’s why we at Wedding in Valdichiana have decided to put at your disposal, and just a click away, the 3D virtual reality service to see in advance, and comfortably from your PC, some of our most exclusive locations in the municipalities of Cetona, Chianciano Terme, Chiusi, Montepulciano, San Casciano dei Bagni, Sarteano, Sinalunga, Torrita di Siena and Trequanda.

Which is your favourite?

These are municipalities in the Valdichiana with an easy-to-access location, so that your guests can reach them without hindrance and by all possible means of transport. What’s more, they are truly original, fascinating places, rich in history, compared to the dozens and dozens of weddings your guests have already attended. But that’s not all! Here, your loved ones and friends can enjoy unique experiences of
fun, good food and wine.

Now it’s your turn!
Immerse yourself in the magical 3D locations of Wedding In Valdichiana by clicking on
this link and be inspired by our team of professionals: hello@weddinginvaldichiana.com

Wedding in Tuscany: how to best organize it?

A wedding is a unique and unforgettable moment that needs careful organization: we explain the differences between the all-inclusive and the personalized Wedding in Valdichiana!

As the philosopher Kierkegaard wrote: “Marriage is, and will always remain, the most important voyage of discovery that man can make” and marriage, just like a journey, needs to be planned down to the smallest detail. Do you agree?
It is essential to rely on someone who will support them in their choices and who will give professional help to the bride and groom to ensure that their day is just as they dreamed it would be.
Our tailor-made wedding packages are born from these needs: complete or partial proposals for the organisation of a dream wedding in Tuscany. Here we present the All Inclusive package, i.e. the complete organisation of your event, with attention to every detail for you and your guests, and the Personalised Service package.

Why choose the All inclusive package by Wedding in Valdichiana

With Wedding in Valdichiana’s All-inclusive package, we guarantee you our support in all the important aspects of the organisation of your special day in Valdichiana (Tuscany). You will be carefully supervised in the creation of your event, leaving nothing to chance, and we will be honoured to make your every wish come true.
This package includes the total organisation of your event:
-Budget management
-Choice of location
-Choice of suppliers
-Floral decorations
-Table and table setting
-Choice of menu
-Choice of clothes and accessories for the ceremony
-Music and entertainment
-Machine Vintage
-Photos & Video
-Organisation of accommodation for guests in dedicated facilities;
-Organisation of on-site stag/bachelorette party with guests;
-Welcome dinner/lunch for guests;
-Organisation of experiences and tours in Valdichiana for your guests-All-round management of the ceremony and celebrations

The All Inclusive Wedding in Valdichiana service and why choose it

Photo credits – Alice Bracciali Unique Events in Tuscany

For couples who have already started thinking about their wedding in Valdichiana and have already made some fundamental choices, such as the location or the catering, but need a professional figure who can carry out the event, the most suitable package is our Personalised Service.

Together with the Wedding in Valdichiana team, you will be able to complete the organisation of your special day and enjoy the journey towards a wonderful “Yes”, without this planning turning into a stressful moment! Especially when you are aiming to organise a personalised wedding, where nothing will be standard or obvious but everything will have to be tailor-made and have a wow effect, finding the right idea, suppliers and coordinating the whole thing can be complicated.

Relying on a professional figure, who not only understands your priorities but also makes them concrete, does not take an ounce of charm away from the pre-wedding phase, allows you to choose between one beauty or another as your only commitment and, above all, ensures that you arrive at the wedding date in total serenity.

How to book your wedding package

If you are a bride or groom-to-be and think that these services might be right for you, request an initial quote to establish your tailor-made package by sending an email to: hello@weddinginvaldichiana.com.

We will be happy to be part of your wedding in Valdichiana!

Proposta di matrimonio in Toscana

Wedding proposal and anniversary in Tuscany

Looking for ideas for a marriage proposal or anniversary celebration? No problem! With the help of Wedding In Valdichiana. You can propose to your better half or reaffirm your marriage in the heart of Valdichiana, even at short notice!

Today we are going to talk to you about these two wedding packages, explaining in detail how they are organised by our team of professionals and what they include.
Two such important dates need to be planned in the best possible way, leaving nothing to chance, as they are two of the most important events in a couple’s life and precisely for this reason they need to be not only super romantic, but also original and unforgettable.
No need to feel overwhelmed… we will be there to help you with logistics and design, so try to have fun and get excited. Let’s have a look at the packages together!

How to organize a Wedding proposal in Tuscany

Proposing to your partner is undoubtedly one of the most emotional moments a bride and groom can experience. Both for those who receive it and for those who make it. We are here to offer you an ad hoc package that can follow you step by step in organising this special moment.
Whether you have in mind something simple and traditional or your idea of a wedding proposal is more complex, modern and lavish, we will offer you our tailor-made service to ensure that every detail is as you have imagined it.

If, on the other hand, you don’t know exactly what to organise. Your only thought is to surprise your partner, we will be more than happy to offer you unexpected and original ideas that are perfect for you, because, after all, our aim is to help couples make this day unforgettable in their memories.

Remember that the most important thing in a marriage proposal is not only the words you say, but also the way you present yourself and, above all, the place where you will be, which is why Valdichiana will be the perfect choice to crown your dream of love.

The wedding proposals package includes:
-Personal wedding planner who will accompany you in every choice you make regarding the event;
-Complete organisation of the dinner party: choice of location (get ahead of the game by reading here!), choice of ring at local jewellers, flower arrangements and decorations, cake, mise en place, menu, setting, music, photos and videos, special effects;
-Organisation of accommodation in dedicated facilities;
-Organising unique experiences for the days following the event; spas and massages, cookery courses, Vespa or electric bike tours, truffle hunting, discovering Tuscan villages and their museums, tastings in historic cellars, nature walks and horse riding, picnics and much more. Have a look here!

The surprise effect is assured. Contact us to better organise your wedding proposal.

Photo credits Daniele Torella – www.danieletorella.com

How to organize your anniversary in Tuscany

For couples who have already said “I do” and experienced the most important day of their lives, but still want to celebrate their love on their anniversary, Wedding in Valdichiana offers the Anniversary package.
There are couples who, for various reasons, have not been able to celebrate their wedding. They had always dreamed and therefore decide to celebrate their anniversary to finally realise a dream that has not come true until then.

On the other hand, there are couples who love to celebrate every moment of their love; whether it is the first, second, tenth or twenty-fifth year of their union.
WIth this package you will find all our support in the step-by-step organisation of your anniversary. To make this day as special as your wedding day.

After all, it’s great to celebrate love as often as a couple sees fit!

The anniversary package also includes the wedding planner service, catering, location, stay and experiences for all guests.

Photo credits Silvia Mazzei – www.silviamazzeiphoto.com

If you too would like to ask your partner to marry you, or would like to celebrate your wedding anniversary, ask the Wedding in Valdichiana team for help: hello@weddinginvaldichiana.com

We introduce you Wedding in Valdichiana Special Packages!

A special organisation for a special wedding! Here are the special Wedding In Valdichiana package

Getting married in Valdichiana means relying on those who really know the area. It means choosing between different offers and solutions to organise an unforgettable wedding in Tuscany.

Organising a wedding is one of the most important moments in a couple’s life; a phase of sharing ideas and creativity in which you find yourself having to make important decisions to best represent your experience and your dreams. Many do it independently by following every detail of the organisation of the event, while other couples rely on professionals capable of guiding them in aesthetic and logistical choices as close as possible to their spirit.

That’s why Wedding in Valdichiana offers various wedding packages, complete or partial proposals for organising a dream one in Tuscany. We take care of the complete organisation of your event, with attention to every detail for you
and your guests. Much more than an event, choosing the Wedding in Valdichiana special package means giving you and your loved ones a real celebratory journey, an indelible moment of life and of others. Let’s find out together!

Unforgettable days for you and your guests

The Wedding in Valdichiana special package is ideal for couples who wish to celebrate their love in the real Tuscany and experience the area with special experiences, to discover the wonderful Tuscan countryside together with friends and relatives.

Wedding in Valdichiana will put you in touch with the best local wedding planners who will guide you in choosing every detail of your special day. Together you will choose locations from a wide selection of suggestive places and settings, floral decorations, dresses, and receive the best suggestions for proposing a seasonal menu with typical local products.

There will also be suggestions on clothes, colors and jewels, and we’ll put you in contact with the artisans who still today make unique handmade pieces in the shops of the villages today.

Wedding in Valdichiana’s twenty years of experience in hospitality and tourism sector will also be a warranty for your guests. We will find the ideal accommodation for your loved ones and organise the best experiences to introduce them to this wonderful slice of Tuscany.

What do you think of a toast in a design cellar among the rolling hills of Montepulciano while waiting for the big day? Or a Tuscan cooking class to learn the best local recipes with a dinner all together? Or what about a bike tour between Valdichiana Senese and Val d’Orcia with friends, to release the adrenaline before the wedding, or a private yoga lesson on the shores of Lake Chiusi to relax before the event? And these are just a few ideas!

Let’s have a look at the services included in this special package:

  • Personal wedding planner who will accompany you in everything related to the event;
  • Complete organisation of the wedding: choice of the most suitable location (you can take a look here!), floral decorations, table and set-up, menus, settings, dresses, jewelry, accessories for the ceremony;
  • Organisation for guests stay in dedicated facilities;
  • On-site organisation of the bachelor/bachelorette party with guests;
  • Welcome dinner/lunch for guests;
  • Organisation of experiences for your guests: Vespa tours, trekking among the most beautiful paths in Tuscany, padel match, horseback riding among Tuscan hills, yoga in suggestive locations, pampering at the spa and, of course, gourmet tastings. Discover them all here!

What are you waiting for? Request a first quote for your Special Package by sending an email to: hello@weddingvaldichiana.com.

We can’t wait to organise your dream wedding!

Bachelorette and bachelor party

A wedding in Tuscany, as we know, brings with it parties, joys, unique emotions and sensations that only this fantastic land can give. Everything will be perfect for the fateful day thanks to the organization of the smallest details, to have the best of the best in that magical moment. Prior to the big event, however, there is another party that deserves our attention today: the bachelorette or bachelor party! To prepare for the “yes” day, there is nothing better than celebrating with loved ones, friends or relatives, and you can do it right in Tuscany, in Valdichiana Senese!

Emotions and experiences before the “Yes”

The beauty of a bachelorette or bachelor party is to allow everyone to have fun in company and enjoy the last moments before the fateful event we all wait for a lifetime. Valdichiana Senese, among its Tuscan beauties, offers an infinite series of activities for everyone: from sports to relaxation and wellness, from gourmet tastings to first-rate wines with breathtaking views and beautiful hills in the background. Find out with us which experiences are the best to get the best of your day!

Around the hills: vespa, quad and trekking

The Tuscan roads of Valdichiana Senese are among the most beautiful in the world: every curve hides a breathtaking view, every climb precedes the view of a splendid valley and every road is surrounded by nature. These areas are perfect for riding a vintage or brand new vespa and enjoying the scenery. For those who prefer a bit of action, however, quads are available for cruising far and wide through the Tuscan lands. These experiences are perfect for those who want to release the tension before the fateful day! If, on the other hand, you love walking amongst  nature at a moderate pace, then a nice trek with friends is the one experience for you: a long and stimulating walk immersed in the nature of Tuscany to admire its beauties … just slowly!

Sport and wellness: between padel, horse riding and yoga

Unique experiences available to anyone who wants to spend their bachelorette/ bachelor party together with friends. For the more sporty among you, we have thought of a day dedicated to padel, the sport of the moment. You can play with everyone and have fun on a court reserved exclusively for you, with rackets and balls included. If, on the other hand, you want to immerse yourself in nature and admire its beauties, you can simply go horseback riding among the Tuscan hills of Valdichiana Senese and observe these lands from a decidedly fascinating point of view. Speaking of points of view, have you ever thought of practicing yoga by a lake, immersed in the Tuscan hills? For your bachelorette/bachelor party, it is possible to organize a relaxing yoga session on the shores of a lake in Valdichiana Senese, to rediscover spiritual wellness and inner peace.

Pampering with the flavor of wine and thermal waters

As everyone knows, Tuscany is a land of wine and offers its visitors glasses of fine products, famous all over the world for their authentic and distinctive flavor. And a good glass of wine from these lands, home of the Vino Nobile di Montepulciano, certainly cannot be missing. What if we tell you that with glasses of wine you could also dedicate yourself to a relaxing thermal bath? If you want to relax before the big event, this is the one for you: massages, dedicated therapies and thermal waters from natural sources to pamper you and restore your inner balance and energy.

These are among the best experiences you can have in Valdichiana Senese before your wedding, you can also ask us directly to organize your bachelorette/bachelor party with the activities of your choice, following your times and your Tuscan stay.

Write us for more info, we are ready to prepare your dreams and your events!

10 reasons to get married in Spring

Not sure which month is the best to get married?

Here’s a list of reasons why you should get married in Spring:

Romanticism: Spring has always been considered the season of love and awakening, when everything blossoms and becomes colourful! So, could there be a better time of year to celebrate your love than this?

Climate: mild temperatures and long days characterise Spring, which is why it is one of the most suitable seasons to celebrate weddings. Whereas Summer months can be swelter ing and humid, and Winter months can be cold and often rainy.

Location: organizing a wedding in Spring makes it possible to use the outside of the location even during evening. You can also plan amazing and fun parties with entertainment, which is something that’s not very practical or often impossible in Winter, and Summer months due to the high temperatures.

Ceremony: now more than ever, people want to get back to great outdoors event and prepare their wedding ceremonies “en plein air”, on a fresh lawn or under big trees. In addition, an outdoor ceremony lends itself to many decorative and arrangement possibilities: the type of chairs, tables and flowers and their consequent setting.

Flowers: as Spring is the time when nature blooms, there are a wide choice of plants and flowers for your wedding decoration and, of course, for the bouquet! There are so many and in a thousand shades, sizes and types. You’ll just have plenty of choices!

Colours: pastel shades are undoubtedly the most delicate (pink, powder, yellow, lilac, light green, sky blue) and therefore the most suitable colors for a wedding (both for the set-up and for the dresses of guests and bridesmaids). This year the palette of 2022 weddings will be characterised by these tones. So, if you get married in Spring, the choice of colors will not only be refined, but also super appropriate!

Food: in Spring, nature awakens and gives us fresh flavors and fragrances. Fruits and vegetables of this season (strictly from zero km), will enrich your wedding table, together with flowers, to create a truly magical setting! The same applies to the wedding cakes.

Creative and destination experiences: the trend for 2022 is mainly for wide open and extended celebrations. For example long weekends or even weeks in specific destinations, and Tuscany is one of the top places! So it is clear that the best time to plan a marriage, especially in this region, is  spring!

Covid-19: due to the prolonged health emergency, weddings are rather to take place outdoors, surrounded by nature. This gives more freedom, as far as restrictions are concerned.

Joy and optimism: by organising a Spring wedding, you will be marking a new beginning in         your lives and will also convey “joie de vivre” and euphoria to your guests!

Have we convinced you? Let us know by sending an email to: hello@weddinginvaldichiana.com

Getting married in a Tuscan hamlet in Valdichiana: the event that excites a community

In recent years, more and more couples have expressed the desire to get married in intimate and exclusive places. The medieval villages are among the most coveted to frame the celebration of one’s wedding.

In Valdichiana we have eight of the most beautiful hamlets in Tuscany, whether Torrita di Siena, Montepulciano, Sarteano or Chiusi, we will help you organize the wedding of your dreams in the streets of these perched villages.

Here are our good reasons to get married in a hamlet in Valdichiana:

1. Incredible scenery and traditions in a Tuscan village in Valdichiana

Getting married in a Tuscan village in the Valdichiana you will savor the authentic atmosphere of these places where time seems to have stopped. For one day you will be an integral part of the community, meeting the eyes of those who live and feed the village every single day.

The historical and cultural heritage, combined with the numerous traditions preserved and maintained over time, are part of that setting that gives an even more romantic atmosphere to the suggestive locations, which we find in the numerous medieval hamlets of the Tuscan countryside.

It is easy to come across ancient churches or palaces, which preserve works by more or less well-known authors. You can find history in the most unthinkable places like for instance in Cetona, in Chianciano Terme, in Sinalunga, in San Casciano dei Bagni or in Trequanda. Each brick has something to tell. Each of them, in fact, was in its own way the protagonist of an event, even a simple one, but the bearer of a tradition. An example of this is an ancient oven or the loom of a historic tailor’s shop, which has arrived until today because it has been handed down from generation to generation.

Also, how can we not mention the amazing scenarios that you can admire from the highest part of the hamlet? Sinuous hills and boundless countryside that will be the backdrop to your love story as it has been for countless novels and movies.

2. Intimacy and romanticism of a Tuscan village in Valdichiana

If you love Tuscan villages, you cannot fail to be involved in the feeling of intimacy and romance that our hamlets emanate from every corner. What is usually striking is the feeling of being in an almost surreal place, as if it didn’t really exist in reality.

The typical streets, which at every turn offer suggestive discoveries: a small but colorful flowered balcony, small windows with hand-made curtains, ups and downs of ladders that leave you embarrassed in choosing the direction to take. And then small selected shops that attract, even first for what they sell, for the story they tell just by sight.

3. Culinary and wine excellence in the Tuscan villages in Valdichiana

Italy is known to be the country of delicious food and excellent wine. Imagine characterizing one of the most romantic and festive dinners, with culinary delicacies accompanied by a good glass of wine. One of the many that the lands of our regions have to offer. But of course our favorite is the Vino Nobile di Montepulciano!

4. Every season is good to get married in a Tuscan village in Valdichiana

Another advantage of wanting to get married in a Tuscan village in Valdichiana is that you can easily choose to do it both in summer and in winter. However, you will have the certainty of experiencing the magic and suggestion of a special day. Summer will offer long tables under a starry sky, but winter, in the same way, will be able to welcome your guests in the warmth of characteristic and exclusive places.

Believe us, you will be spoiled for choice!

5. Getting married in a medieval village in Valdichiana is an emotional experience

Getting married in a more intimate and welcoming Tuscan village in Valdichiana rather than in a more exclusive and luxurious one will always be a choice that can give you a unique experience, both from a sensory and emotional point of view. In fact, it will be possible to feel an integral part of a village, thanks to the widespread diffusion of the various areas organized within the host village.

Furthermore, there are many activities in which to be involved. Participate, for example, in the bread-making process, cooking classes, the creation of small artifacts or excursions to the most characteristic places of the chosen location.

We are sure that these reasons are a very small part of the wealth of experiences and intense emotions that you and your guests will experience when getting married in a Tuscan village in Valdichiana.

Do not hesitate to contact us for more info, we are ready to plan your wedding in Tuscany!

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Credits - Photo credits: Dario Pichini, Gabriele Forti, Alice Bracciali, Matteo Castelli, Diego Ciminaghi. Flower credits in San Casciano dei Bagni: LuSi Flower